

Jan Christensen with Marcel Dickhage, Leigh Nahyun, Dahee Seo, Theresa Lucius, Viktor Timofejevs and Demian Kern
"Nothing is for Free, Mother Fuck€r$", 2010
Lamps, bulbs, strobe light, electrical cables and extension cords, painting on canvas, large disco ball, audio cables, wires, chairs,
plywood boxes, cardboard boxes, 2 Xenyx mixers, 3 Korg samplers, 2 microphones, 4 contact microphones, guitar, amplifier,
active speakers, 4 mp3 players, gong, Tibetan singing bowl, chime and customized instruments
Participatory audio installation and band,
variable dimensions
Installation views and details: "You are Free" (curated by Julie McKim and Daniel Kingery), Tape Modern (Tape Club), Berlin, 2010
Photos by Dahee Seo, Lars Morell and Jan Christensen


Video documentation by Yukihiro Taguchi, YouTube:

